Driving Growth: Dubai Digital

The development of digital marketing, and more specifically social media marketing, both globally and in the UAE, has been explosive, with Dubai social media marketing one such example.  Driving Growth a Dubai based business consultancy, offer their clients a range of services, including digital marketing, to help them exploit such recent developments in the marketing space.

Growth of Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is a term used to describe all online marketing initiatives, be they through search engine searches, email, websites and social media channels.  As the number of mobile devices continues to grow – over 65% of the global population owns a mobile phone – so does the importance of digital marketing as businesses look to find new and innovative ways to connect with customers, and potential customers. With around 70% of Americans now using one of the various social media platforms available, it is easy to see how social media marketing has appeared on the marketing radar.

Brand Awareness
When thinking about social media marketing, a number of good reasons to undertake it become clear.  It can help immensely with brand recognition, the simple fact that the more your brand is seen, the more aware people will become of it cannot be disputed.  Therefore, having your brand appear on one, and preferably more, social media platforms makes perfect sense.

Brand Loyalty
Staying on the subject of brands, studies have shown that customers who connect with companies on social media are much more likely to become loyal to that brand – 53% of Americans surveyed indicated increased brand loyalty to companies they followed on social media.

As your brand becomes more visible with social media marketing, the opportunities to convert interest to sales, conversion, increases.  This can apply to new customers, former customers and existing customers. The sheer volume of clicks will inevitably lead to more sales in time.  The conversion rates are also higher in social media marketing than some other forms of marketing, with experts believing the interaction on a social platform enhances the feeling of relationship, leading to more purchases.

Lead to Sales Ratio
Compared to outbound marketing, the lead to sales ratio is twice as high with social media marketing. With increasing numbers of followers on the various social media platforms, people have a heightened feeling of trust and belief in the credibility of a company.

As has been said, as digital media has become more and more popular, the importance of digital media marketing has followed, with social media marketing being one highly effective tool.

If you would like to know ho Driving Growth can help your business with its social media marketing, or indeed any other form of marketing, please visit Driving Growth for more information.

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