UAE Mobile Apps : Qatar Mobile App and Dubai Mobile App

Increasing Usage
The increasing use of cellphones globally, with around 4.8 billion people using one is mirrored in the UAE, with about 80% of the population owning a cellphone making it the region with the highest penetration across the world. With this increasing usage, we are also seeing an ever increasing number of cellphone apps appearing on the market. Driving Growth, based in Dubai, are a business consultancy who are able to offer a range of services to help their clients maximise their bottom line, and include digital media amongst their service offerings  Dubai mobile apps.

Cellphone Apps
As has been identified above, there are an ever increasing number of cellphone apps appearing on the market, some great, some good, some not so good.  It might be interesting to take a look at what some of the recent apps on the market can do.

Location Apps
There are apps available that can help you locate your friends, any time and any place.  Using the GPS systems in modern cellphones, you can find out where everyone in your contacts list is.  As well as being fun, this can also be useful in an emergency should you be trying to locate someone.

Flight Apps
Another type of app which is proving is flight booking apps.  With more and more people booking flights online rather than through a travel agent, it’s easy to see why such apps are proving popular. Not only do they allow users to search and book flights seamlessly, they can save itineraries for printing later, or to show at check-in.  In addition, many have the feature of sending updates when a particular flight’s price changes to help users decide when the best time to book a flight might be.

Photo Scan Apps
Most people will probably have a collection of prized photos stored away somewhere, possibly in old shoe boxes in the loft.  There are apps available now that allow you to scan them onto your cellphone and therefore have a digital copy of the original.

Cloud Storage Info Apps
With cloud storage technology becoming increasingly popular, many people have created multiple cloud storage accounts – and may be losing track of where they are and what’s in them. Recently released apps are able to collect all this information in one place and let users view which cloud storage they have, and how much is being stored in each.

Auto Task Apps
With many of us using our devices more and more, we are probably finding that we are spending more and more time managing our apps.  Apps are available now to help you automate your tasks as much as possible so you don’t need to manually do so much.

The above are just a tiny selection of the cellphone apps available now to help us utilise our devices, and more importantly our time, better.

If you wish to know more about how Driving Growth can utilise digital technology to help your business, visit Driving Growth for more information.

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